Solution Guide for pending ERTE errors

guide to solve ERTE errors
The SEPE has published a guide to solve pending ERTE errors. It includes the most frequent errors for which the benefits have not yet been approved and what the worker or his company must do in each case.

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The SEPE has published a guide to solve pending ERTE errors. It includes the most frequent errors for which the benefits have not yet been approved and what the worker or his company must do in each case.

The official SEPE website publishes this guide today (June 2nd. 2020), which can also be downloaded in PDF.

Guía del SEPE de errores más frecuentes en la tramitación de los ERTE

Some solutions to pending ERTE errors

Each problem that the SEPE has identified as causing the worker’s benefit not yet been approved, has a single solution path associated with it:

  • In some cases, the SEPE will act ex officio, so the worker will not have to do anything.
  • In others, the worker is asked to contact the company to solve the error.
  • When it is mentioned that the Excel must be submitted again, it is understood that the SEPE refers to the Excel with which the HR departments and agencies have communicated the list of workers affected by the ERTE. Therefore, it will have to be the company and its managers who must send the document to SEPE again. It is indicated that these communications “must be sent to the corresponding Provincial Directorate by the common electronic registry, describing in the “Expone” of the letter the reason why the Excel is being sent again.

When it is indicated that the solution is to communicate the data and that it has to be done through the common electronic registry. It refers to the access to the registry which is available at the SEPE’s Electronic Headquarters.

Normally, companies and their management companies access this registry with their secure identification system. But in the case that it is a worker who has to send the document, they will need to have a digital certificate, electronic ID (DNIe), or Cl@ve. However, the SEPE has clarified that if these forms of identification are not available, another person who does have them can submit the document on behalf of the affected worker.

More information about the SEPE.

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