The Support Number is requested by the Tax Agency when we want to validate our identity to complete specific procedures in the Electronic Offices of the Tax Agency.
The Tax Agency makes available to citizens, through its website, access to numerous online services.
On April 1st, its Electronic Office was enabled so people could file the Income Tax corresponding to the year 2019. Our followers have written us multiple emails asking the following question:
“Where is the Support Number inside my TIE, Red Card, or EU Registration Certificate?”. Below, we explain where the Support Number is located according to the identity document you have.
Support Number in the NIE/TIE
Even though everyone calls NIE the Foreigner Identity Card, the truth is that the Card (the plastic one) is called TIE and that’s where the support number to access the Tax Agency is located.
The NIE is the Foreigner Identity Number (only the number) and administratively identifies us with the Spanish state bodies. It usually starts with X or Y and will accompany us throughout all our lives until the moment, if it comes, when we become Spanish citizens. A foreigner can have a NIE and not have legal residence.
It is important to note that the support number is not the same as the NIE.
The TIE is the plastic card (Foreigner Identity Card), the physical document that contains our identification data, our photo, NIE number, and type of authorization of stay or residence in Spain.
If your document is a residence permit, the support number also appears on the front side and consists of 8 digits preceded by the letter E. If you have less than those 8 numbers you will have to complete it on the left with the number 0. Example: E87654321.

Support Number on the EU Registration Certificate
The EU Registration Certificate (commonly known as Green NIE) is a certificate issued for people who are nationals of a country in the European Union, this paper carries with it an NIE (Foreigner Identity Number) that functions as identification for EU citizens.
If the document is an EU Registration Certificate, inside it there is a number, and you should write said number preceded by the letter “C”. If this number has less than 8 digits it can be filled in with leading zeros.
Example: If your certificate has the number 1234567, you must indicate C01234567, and this will be your support number.

Support number on Red Cards
The Red Card is an official and legal document, issued by the Spanish authorities that allow applicants for international protection the right to reside and work throughout the national territory.
The Support Number is written inside the Red Card, as shown in the image below, it is composed of six digits, but for it to be accepted as the support number by the Tax Agency you must add these three digits on the front: E00. Example: E00123456

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