As of June 15, all those who need it will be able to request the Minimum Vital Income (Ingreso Mínimo Vital), an aid that will reach the most vulnerable families, and its amount could reach up to 1,015 euros per month. The government approved last Friday the Minimum Vital Income aid, which will reach 600,000 Spanish households with difficulties making ends meet.
Learn how to apply for the Minimum Vital Income online on the Social Security webpage through our comprehensive video tutorial:

If you are one of the people who needs to request the Minimum Vital Income, in this article we explain step by step how you can get it through the Electronic Office of Social Security:

Access the Electronic Office of Social Security
Access the application form and the Representation Model
Remember that you can request the Minimum Vital Income without electronic identification. You can see the following PDF which explains this procedure step by step.
Channels to request the Minimum Vital Income
At the moment and while the administration offices remain closed due to the State of Alarm caused by COVID-19, the only way to request the Minimum Vital Income is through the Electronic Office of Social Security. Follow these steps to request it but remember, you can only do it since June 15.
Enter the Electronic Office of Social Security and click on the following link “Request the Minimum Vital Income“. Sadly, this page has no available English version, so you will be redirected to the Spanish one.
Step 1: Identification

We have two ways to make this request: submit the form with electronic identification or perform the procedure without electronic identification.
If we make the request with electronic identification, you can identify yourself using a Digital Certificate or by username and password.
Now indicate if you are going to do it as the applicant or as a legal representation of a third person.

Step 2: Fill out the application and attach the documentation
After clicking on continue, it will be the moment to fill in our personal data and upload the attached documentation. You can look at the following images to see how the process is done. It is very important that you check that the data is correct, otherwise, they may deny us this social assistance.

Once you check the data and make sure that you meet the requirements to request the Minimum Vital Income, it is time to confirm the application. Click on “sign and send”.

It may be that during the signing process, a window is executed for the validation of the digital signature. If your DNI appears and the data is correct, click “Accept”.
Step 3: Confirmation of the request
If everything went well, a window like the following will appear indicating the date and the registration number with the possibility of downloading the receipt.

Keep in mind that you can request the Minimum Vital Income from June 15 until September 30, and it will be charged retroactively from June 1.
It will be a monthly income of between 462 and 1,015 euros depending on the type of household and will be compatible with other regional aid. Do you want to know more about it? You can read our article about the Minimum Vital Income, its requirements, and what additional aid we can request together with it.
Let’s talk!
We want to listen to you and know what your questions are about the procedures you have to carry out. Count on the advice of our experts to clarify all your doubts.
In Entre Trámites we invite you to know about all our consultation services. Fill in our contact form and we will call you to help you as soon as possible, schedule your online consultation, or simply text our WhatsApp.
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