If you live in Spain or have just arrived, surely you are wondering how can you register on the Padrón Municipal. Every person who lives in Spain is obliged to go through the process of “empadronamiento” (how registering on the Padrón Municipal is called) where they habitually reside.
Not emancipated minors and disabled adults must be registered at the address of their parents or legal guardians unless they have written authorization to reside at another address.
In the case of newborns, the empadronamiento is carried out ex officio by the City Council, registering the newborn at the address where both or one of their parents are registered, giving preference to the maternal registration.
Likewise, the empadronamiento certificate, whether individual or collective, will be requested whenever you must prove the use of your home to any public body, company, or court.
How is the procedure? Which documentation is necessary to register on the Padrón Municipal?
How do I register on the Padrón if I am Spanish?
- Online Form
- Adults and minors from the age of 14: valid DNI or passport
- Children under 14: original Family Book or Birth Certificate
How do I register on the Padrón if I am a foreigner?
- From the Member States of the European Union: present the NIE along with your passport or national identity document.
- Citizens with Romanian, Polish nationality, etc., whose rubric is not displayed on their national identity document must present their valid passports.
- For other nationalities: original valid passport or residence permit.
- Foreign minors born in Spain up to three months of age: Family Book or Birth Certificate, residence card or Birth Certificate, and if available, passport.
- Foreign minors not born in Spain: The same documents as for foreign adults.
Complementary information on this procedure
If there are people registered at a specific address who do not currently reside there, in order to carry out a new empadronamiento, a deregistration process will start for improper empadronamiento of those previously registered.
The empadronamiento of non-EU foreigners without a permanent residence permit must be subject to periodic renewal every 2 years. The expiration may be declared without the need for a hearing of the interested party.
The maximum term to settle the empadronamiento is three months from its request, as established in Article 21.3 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
FAQ about the Empadronamiento process
Can I change the registration on the Padrón on someone else’s behalf? Yes. You can do so by providing a copy of the identity document of the person you wish to register and the original of your own identity document, as well as authorization to act on behalf of that person. You will also have to provide the signed empadronamiento form (known as “hoja empadronal”).
Can I register someone who does not appear in the rental contract for the house? Yes, but you must present the rental contract and the authorization of the contract holder. If the contract holder is not registered in the house’s address, you will need one of the registered persons of legal age to declare that you reside in the domicile.
I have a rental contract for a room. Do I have to bring authorization from the people who live in the other rooms? No, you will only have to hand in the contract that certifies that you rent only one room.
Do I need the landlord’s signature to register on a rented address? If the property is empty, you will only need the rental contract and proof of the last payment. If other people are residing at that address, it will be necessary for a person of legal age who is registered at the address to declare that you do live there.
Can I be registered in a place other than where I live? Every person must be registered at the address where they reside for the longest period of time per year.
How many people can be registered at the same address? As many as reside.
Emapdronamiento in Barcelona
You can register on the Padrón Municipal of Barcelona through their official website:

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