
Procedures from home using the Digital Certificate

procedures with the digital certificate from home
We all know that the most tedious issues are bureaucratic procedures. That's why below we'll show you 17 procedures using a digital certificate that you can do from home

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Tutorial Video: What procedures can be performed from home with Digital Certificate in Spain

One of the most tedious issues we can face when doing our paperwork is the old time-consuming bureaucracy. Having to go to an administration to hand out or to receive a document sometimes means wasting the entire morning. If we work we have to ask for permission, use one of our vacation days, etc. We can also delegate it to an agency but this has an added cost that many cannot afford. That is why we are going to see 17 procedures with the Digital Certificate that you can do from home.

These procedures require using the digital certificate but in the cases in which it is possible to obtain them with the Cl@ve System, which is increasingly widespread within the administrations, we will also mention it. The advantage of this service is that we can begin its processing comfortably without having to leave home, and they will just send us a letter to the address that appears in the Social Security as our residence.

Procedures with the Digital Certificate in the General State Administration

  • RENTA Drafts now that we are in the middle of the IRPF campaign, it is a procedure in which is very easy to identify us to confirm our draft.
  • Tax Returns, which can be the personal income tax (IRPF), IVA, Self-assessment, Corporation Tax, and a summary of Form 190, among many others. These are usually requested when documentation is presented.
  • Debt deferral and installment payments are something that many businesses and self-employed workers may have to resort to. An easy example is when we have a fine that we have received that we have not found out yet because the address that the DGT has is not where we currently live and thus later it comes to us through executive channels of Hacienda, claiming this payment. In this case, it is possible to divide the payment so that they charge us several times.
  • Power of attorney for carrying out tax formalities and actions via the Internet, but also for your contracted agency to take charge of receiving your notifications, for example. It can be total or only for some tax procedures.
  • Work History Report of Social Security can also be obtained with Cl@ve. It gives us a PDF record of all the companies where we have worked and the time we have been listed. It can also be obtained by SMS if we have provided our phone number to Social Security.

The Tax Agency is one of the most advanced administrations with electronic processing and most of its procedures require a Digital Certificate

  • Birth and Child Care allows us to request the Birth and Child Care benefit. To enjoy the corresponding work rest period for birth, adoption, guardianship for adoption purposes, and permanent or temporary foster care for more than one year.
  • A Contribution Bases Report is also very useful. Especially if we are affected by an ERTE since they pay us 70% of our average contribution base for the last six months. We can also obtain it by Cl@ve or SMS.
  • If we are close to retirement age we can use the Retirement Calculator. This is an interesting option for the self-employed if they want, and can, improve their contribution base.
  • Report of being up-to-date with all Social Security contributions, something essential if we want to request moratorium or deferment payments. In case of having debts, we can also make the payment electronically. Although in this case, they make it a little easier and you do not even need a digital certificate.
  • Communication of death of a benefit recipient, is something unfortunately very common these days where many older people have died and their children have to do it. We can also do it with Cl@ve.
  • Criminal record certificate, issued by the Ministry of Justice. It is usually requested to work in certain professions as well as if we want to get a weapon license
  • Certificate of Crimes of a Sexual Nature, is essential if we are going to work with minors, be it in a school, if we are free time monitors, or simply training a team, to cite few examples.
  • Birth certificate: here we have two possibilities: obtain the registry data of our birth, which is the most common, and in addition to ours we can obtain that of our children, for example. We can also obtain a certificate as such, but in this case only in our own name.

Procedures with the Digital Certificate of the regional and local Administration

  • Registration certificates are requested at the Town Hall of residence. Here you can also frame the travel certificates, which are necessary on the islands that have a discount for residents on flights and maritime transport. Like all local procedures, they depend on the degree of digitalization of your City Council, but in the vast majority, they can be obtained with a digital certificate immediately.
  • Regulated parking service, which allows parking in the ORA area, is essential if we live in an area regulated by this service. In some cities, we may also need some authorization to access especially limited downtown areas, such as Madrid or Barcelona.
  • Application for the health card, which is made in the autonomous community in which we reside. Today, all of them allow you to carry out the procedure electronically. If what we want is to move to another European country for a while, something that will not happen now, we would have to have the European Health Insurance Card, which is issued by Social Security.
  • Inheritance and donation tax, which is paid in autonomous communities. The complex thing on many occasions is not presenting the tax, but calculating how much we have to pay, which is why many prefer to leave it in the hands of an agent used to these procedures to carry out the entire process. It must be presented in the Autonomous Community to which the deceased belonged.

This is only regarding the possibility that we have to carry out some digital procedures with the Administration. It must be remembered that the request for a digital certificate to the FNMT is free, although the identification process right now is complicated and we cannot obtain it. 

In any case, having a digital certificate, either through a software certificate (which requires us to install the digital certificate on our computer) or the digital certificate that we have incorporated in the DNIe, is a great tool to simplify our day-to-day paperwork. Sadly, the digital certificate and its usefulness are sometimes ignored by the majority of citizens and by an important number of self-employed workers.

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