Perhaps now is an opportune moment to move forward from home with those procedures that we had pending to resolve concerning our vehicle. We will explain to you how you can do it using the new miDGT App.

It is worth knowing that we can manage practically all of them through the online service that the DGT has available on its website and to which the new miDGT App has just been added.
Until further notice, these procedures must be carried out through its Electronic Headquarters, accessible from its own website.
At the same time, the miDGT App for cell phones was launched as one more tool for citizens to interact with the entity.
The possibility of carrying your driving license on your phone is one of the most striking options of this new miDGT App. But it is not the only one that offers this new service.
Through the initial screen, which is accessed after completing the registration process in the Cl@ve Identification System, the citizen can access the following procedures.
Procedures from home using the miDGT App:
- To have your driving license on your mobile phone.
- To have the circulation permit and the electronic technical data sheet of your vehicle, as well as to consult the main data of your vehicle such as ITV (Technical Vehicle Inspection), insurance, environmental badge, etc.
- To check your balance of points.
- To consult and update the contact information and address that are in the DGT records.
- To receive notices and alerts of interest.
- To access relevant news about traffic and road safety.
At the moment, other functions such as requesting an appointment, paying fines, or making the transfer of vehicles between individuals are not yet available in the miDGT App, but only in the online services of the DGT website. The organization ensures that these and other functionalities will be incorporated into the miDGT App progressively.
Meanwhile, citizens can carry out other online procedures of the DGT through their website. First of all, it is necessary to register on the platform to verify your identity. If you have an Electronic DNI (DNIe) or a Digital Certificate, you will not need to register. Otherwise, there is the option of doing so through the 24H PIN Access or Permanent Cl@ve services. Once we have registered, we will be able to carry out all the procedures we want, which the DGT has segmented into five large areas: fines, driving licenses, vehicles, mobility, and other procedures.
In this section of the miDGT App, you can manage everything related to sanctions and download the necessary forms to present pleas or appeals, or to request a refund of the payment of fines. Regarding this area you can:
- Pay your fine
- Presents a plea or appeal
- Identify the driver who was driving your car if you have received a fine imposed by radar
- Check if you have a fine and the DGT has not been able to locate you
- Request the return of fine payments
Driver licenses
Here you have everything that refers to the administrative procedures of your license, so you are able to:
- Check your points
- Access the duplicate of the driving license
- Access courses to recover points
- Consult your exam notes
- Access test exams
- Change the address for notifications
- Apply for:
- international permit
- certificate of points
- transfer of exam record
- exam appointment cancellation
Within this section, you can carry out all those procedures related to the documentation of your vehicle, including those that refer to the sale, whether you are the buyer or the seller of the car. Here you will be able to:
- Access the duplicate documentation of your vehicle – Vehicle report
- Notify the regular driver
- Check the environmental badge of your vehicle
- Apply for:
- vehicle transfers
- address change
- registration, temporary deregistration, and deregistration due to the transfer of the vehicle to another country
- ordinary registration and green plates
In this area, you can obtain special mobility authorizations, such as circulating on restricted days, and exceptional uses of the road for filming, historic vehicle events, sporting events, etc. Here you can find:
- Special circulation authorizations
- Exceptional uses of the road
- Communication of works on the road
- Communication of traffic accidents
- Registration in the Registry of applications and services of intelligent systems
Other procedures
The most common procedures, such as making an appointment or paying fees, are grouped under this heading and are the ones that can make our relationship with the DGT more bearable, preventing us from having to travel to their offices. These are the procedures you can find in the miDGT App:
- Tax payment
- Setting of appointments
- Signing up for the electronic mailbox
- Presentation of writings and communications
- Authorization of a representative for procedures through the Registry of Powers of Attorney
- Verification of signatures and certificates
- Document verification
- Presentation of complaints and suggestions
- Request for refund of fee payments
So, although these days it is not possible for us to carry out procedures at the DGT offices in person, we must bear in mind that many procedures can be done through their website or the new miDGT App. The latter is currently limited to very specific services that will be progressively expanded, according to the information provided by the DGT.
Get advice in relation to DGT procedures
In Entre Trámites we invite you to know about all our DGT services. Fill in our contact form and we will call you to help you as soon as possible, schedule an online consultation, or simply text our WhatsApp.
We want to listen to you and know what your questions are about the procedures you have to carry out. Count on the advice of our experts to clarify all your doubts.
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