Official Forms of Spanish Public Administrations
Download here the current forms from the official websites of the Public Administrations.

In this section, we offer you all the current official forms of the Government Institutions (forms, guides, samples, etc) so you can complete the paperwork related to each one of them.

  1. Search for the forms you must file to carry out the procedures you need to do.
  2. Download each document.
  3. Fill them in on your computer.
  4. Print the documents. 
  5. Store them in an orderly manner so you don’t miss anything. We suggest you have a folder with all the printed documents that you must present on the day of your appointment.

Select the topic of your interest

The official forms for the most common procedures of each public entity will be displayed in another section.

Please consider:

  • If you cannot find the form you need, please contact us so we can help you.
  • In each section, you will find informative guides containing all the details of what you need to do to complete the different forms. Please read them carefully before filling out the applications.
  • Remember that downloading and filling out the application on this website does not mean that you have already submitted it to the corresponding Public Administration. To carry out this procedure, you must go to the corresponding office, usually, by requesting an appointment.

Discover our new App!

With our new mobile App Entre Trámites for Android, you will be able to access more than 300 online public services from your mobile.

Our App allows you access to public services using the Electronic DNI 3.0, the Digital Certificate of the FNMT, Permanent Cl@ve or Cl@ve PIN.

Do you have any doubts? We can call you!

In our WIKI we teach you to personally manage the most common documents and procedures that people need from the different Public Administrations: Tax Agency, Social Security, SEPE, Immigration, DGT, etc.

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