Companies and Organizations Bylaws Templates
Download the templates you need related to the Bylaws for the creation of Companies and Organizations in Spain.

Bylaws are the pact where all the rights and obligations of the partners are grouped, as well as the rules that govern the company.

These documents are an initial step for the company’s incorporation and must be in the Articles of Incorporation.

Depending on the commercial company to set up, the bylaws gather a series of contents that are already pre-established. However, the founding partners have the power to include the agreements they need.

Being an agreement made between the partners themselves, the bylaws are valid both for the current partners and for those who could join the company in the future. For this reason, it’s also necessary that the bylaws meet the requirements stated by the law, which may vary depending on the type of company.

We sincerely believe that using these templates to create your bylaws makes your work much easier, since you benefit from the best standards that serve as a reference and avoid making mistakes.

So, here you have a list of the 6 types of Bylaws templates that Entre Trámites provides you with: Joint Ownership, Civil Society, Limited Company (SL), Cooperative, Public Limited Company (SA) and Sociedad Limitada Nueva Empresa (SLNE).


Organization / Company Bylaws Templates



If you can’t find the organization or company bylaws template you need, please contact us so we can help you.

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