The working life of an employee is collected in a certificate called Work History Report that reflects the periods in which they have been contributing to Social Security, whether they have worked as self-employed, in a private company, or in a public body.
Through this service located in the Electronic Headquarters of Social Security, you will be able to obtain and/or consult online a report in which all your situations of registration or deregistration in all the different regimes of the Social Security System are collected.
Requesting your Work History Report
Target audience
Citizens who are contributing or who have done so at some time throughout their life and that, therefore, have a Social Security Affiliation Number (NAF).
What can you do with the Work History Report?
- View and consult your report immediately.
- Download it in PDF format.
- Print it.
If you access through the no digital certificate option you can fill in an application form so that the report will be sent to you by post mail.
To keep in mind:
In case of observing any discrepancy in the data contained in your Work History Report, you can communicate it by accessing the service Rectification of Employment History Report.
If you access through the no digital certificate option all the data entered in the form must coincide with those existing in the database of the General Treasury of Social Security. If it does not match, your Work History Report will not be sent.
Next steps
- If you access through the no digital certificate option, once the form is completed, you will get a reference number, which will be used to check the status of your request.
- Information about the status of your request will be sent to you by email.
- After 24 hours from the reception of the informative mail, the service Check the Status of a Requested Report will be accessible, just click on “Consultar”.
In this video, you will find the step-by-step of the online process:

Let’s talk!
We want to listen to you and know what your questions are about the procedures you have to carry out. Count on the advice of our experts to clarify all your doubts.
In Entre Trámites we invite you to know about our labor consultation services. Fill in our contact form and we will call you to help you as soon as possible, schedule your online consultation, or just text our WhatsApp.
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