Many of our readers may find themselves in an unclear employment situation, as more companies resort to layoffs or ERTES. So, how can you know if you are registered with Social Security?

Tutorial Video: How to know if you are registered with Social Security in Spain Online?
The difficulty of contacting, in some cases, those responsible in the company, or the impossibility of approaching a Social Security office during the State of Alarm does not help to end this uncertainty.
Fortunately, the Social Security website allows us to carry out multiple procedures online. Among them, is to access our updated labor information.
Steps to follow to know if I am Registered with Social Security
To access our current employment situation online and know if we are registered with Social Security, we simply have to access the following link of the Electronic Office of Social Security.
When entering the link, a list will appear, in alphabetical order, of possible reports that we can access: the one that interests us is the “Current Worker Status Report”.
When we click on it, a small window will be displayed that will show us 4 possible identity verification methods:
- Digital Certificate
- User and password
- Cl@ve System
- Via SMS
We will have to choose one and then confirm the choice in the next window, with which we will proceed to verify our identity.
- Note: Any of the 4 methods offered require the creation of our account, that our mobile phone number is included in the Social Security database or that the Digital Certificate has been previously created. All this must have been done in person before.
After that, we will only see a short message accompanied by the link “Click here to open the report”. Once we click, the document we were looking for will open, a PDF that will show our current employment situation. Through it, we can also find out whether or not we are registered with Social Security.
Let’s talk!
We want to listen to you and know what your questions are about the procedures you have to carry out. Count on the advice of our experts to clarify all your doubts.
In Entre Trámites we invite you to know about our labor consultation services. Fill in our contact form and we will call you to help you as soon as possible, schedule your online consultation or just text our Whatsapp.
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