How to change the address in the AEAT?

Lear how to change the address in the AEAT
In this section you will learn the correct way to modify your address step by step at the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT).

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Change the address in the AEAT is completely mandatory, this is because the institution must know all the data of its taxpayers for tax purposes. If you do not know how to do it or what are the situations in which you should be interested in making this change of tax address, in this section we will tell you about it.

What is the tax domicile?

With regard to natural persons, the tax domicile is the place of residence, the one where you live most of the year. On the other hand, the Treasury may take into account other criteria, such as the main place of the center of interest, whether it is work, family or the last residence declared in the income tax.

Self employed

For the self-employed, the tax domicile where their economic activity is carried out if this is the place where they carry out the administrative management of the business.


For a company or partnership (legal entity), the tax domicile may or may not coincide with the registered office. The main place where the business or exploitation is carried out.

Why change the tax domicile?

The income is divided into state and regional sections. For this reason, changing your tax domicile is completely necessary at the time of making the income statement, since taxes such as Donations and Patrimony, Inheritance or IRPF, are paid differently between the autonomous communities.

On the other hand, changing your tax domicile officially will avoid misunderstandings or a fine with the treasury under the terms of non-compliance with your tax obligations.

Remember that we as an agency offer a complete analysis of the tax procedures that you wish to complete. Schedule a completely free consultation with one of our specialists on the subject.

Cases in which I should change it

Below, we present the cases in which you must change your tax address:

  • Having made a change of registration: If you register in a certain city, the Treasury will interpret that you live in that place, so your tax address must be there. However, the Treasury will be able to verify it through your water, electricity and energy bills.
  • If you have moved your habitual residence: the Treasury will count the place where you have been the longest in the last year.
  • Living in a community different from that of your family: In this case, if you want to declare the tax domicile where your family resides, you will have to file a joint income statement and you will have to assess whether it is appropriate.
  • Residing in one autonomous community and working in another: In this case, the place where you spend the most time throughout the year has a greater weight.

How to change the address in the AEAT?

  • You can make the change of tax domicile by submitting the income statement or using model 030 (This is the procedure that is most recommended due to its effectiveness).
  • On the other hand, you can access the website of the Tax Agency and carry out the procedure electronically using the electronic DNI, electronic certificate or the Cl@ve system. In this order of ideas, you will have to identify yourself at the electronic headquarters and access the 030 Census Declaration form from the option ‘my census data.
  • Another way to do it is to download the form 030 form and when requesting an appointment, you must present it at the corresponding Tax Agency office.
  • If you do not have a Cl@ve system, electronic certificate or electronic DNI, you can access the option (Extraordinary procedure for presenting Form 030 in person).
  • You can also manage this change of tax address by calling the Treasury directly through the mobile phone 901 200 345.

Do you need more information about AEAT?

We want to listen to you and know what your questions are about the procedures you have to carry out. Count on the advice of our experts to clarify all your doubts. 

At Entre Trámites we invite you to know about our services. Fill in our contact form and we will call you to help you as soon as possible, schedule a free online consultation, or simply text our WhatsApp.

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