If you want to know how the State of Alarm can affect your Red Card validity period, keep reading because below we explain everything you need to know about this situation.
Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14th, by which the State of Alarm was declared, in the face of the COVID-19 health crisis, led to the General Police Station issuing Instruction Number 3/2020 of March 19th, which states, among other measures, the suspension during the aforementioned period of the expiration terms of the documents issued within the framework of the asylum/subsidiary protection application procedures, such as the declaration of willingness to file an application for international protection, the proof of filing an application for international protection and the document certifying the status of an applicant for international protection.
UNICA-Network: International Protection
All those documents, such as the Red Card (“Tarjeta Roja” in Spanish), accrediting the status of the applicant for international protection, which have expired prior to March 14th, 2020, and provided that the resolution of the file has not been notified, will automatically have their validity extended during the State of Alarm timeframe, declared by Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14th.
And the holder, in those cases in which the document had expired prior to January 1st, 2020, must prove that they have an appointment granted for its renewal.
The right to Asylum is the protection granted to those who are recognized as refugees by the UNHCR as defined in the terms of the Convention on the Status of Refugees (Geneva, 1951) and its protocol.
The “Red Card” is an official and legal document, issued by the Spanish authorities that allow applicants for international protection the right to reside and work throughout the national territory.

Download Instruction 7/2020 here
For more information, regarding the status of refugees and those seeking international protection you can click on the link and download Instruction 7/2020 on the measures related to the extension of the validity of the documentation of an applicant for international protection.
Any doubts about the Red Card?
We want to listen to you and know what your questions are about the procedures you have to carry out, and keep in mind that, if you want to know how to apply for your Red Card, make sure you get the advice of an expert team in the field.
At Entre Trámites we invite you to know about our immigration services. Fill in our contact form and we will call you to help you as soon as possible, schedule a free immigration consultation, or simply text our WhatsApp.