Officially known in Spanish as: “Modelo 347: Declaración anual de operaciones con terceras personas”.

Download the official document of instructions to fill in Form 347, the annual declaration of operations with third parties in PDF format provided by the Tax Agency. 

This is one of the forms that give Hacienda the most information about your activity, so it is important to do it correctly. We recommend that you look for the advice of tax specialists who are experts in this matter or file it with us.

What is Form 347?

Form 347 is the annual declaration of operations with third parties, which is filed in February of each year, and allows the tax authorities to cross-reference information on economic transactions between suppliers and customers. 

The operations that as a whole have an amount higher than 3,005.06 euros, must be declared in this Form:

Who is required to file it?

The tax Form 347 is filed by both self-employed and companies, whether public or private, which in their professional or business activity invoice transactions for an amount greater than 3,005.06€ per year regardless of their nature.

Form 347 is filed by both suppliers and customers so that the Administration cross-checks the data and can validate that the information declared is correct.

The following cases are excluded from filing Form 347:

What is the deadline for filing form 347?

The month of  February. As of the declaration corresponding to the financial year 2021, to be presented in 2022, the date of presentation will be February.

What is declared in this model?

In this form, you have to declare all operations that exceed the amount of 3,005.06€ per year except:

How is it submitted?

The amount that you have to declare on Form 347 is the total amount collected or paid in each operation, taking IVA into account.

You can submit this form online by downloading the help program directly from the Tax Agency website. Remember that to submit it you need to have a digital certificate or obtain the Cl@ve PIN code.

And above all remember, when January ends and you have done your annual summary taxes, your obligations will not end. Form 347 is presented in February.

Many of us are self-employed and this tax is really decisive because the Treasury uses it as a tool against fraud, because it crosses your data with that of your suppliers to see that the amounts of those operations match.