Financial rent assistance during the COVID-19 crisis
At last, the Government has established certain assistance measures in relation to rent during COVID-19. It includes those who have temporary problems to meet the partial or total payment of the rent.
The Restart of Courts Proceedings after COVID-19
The activity of courts is restarted by electronic means after the total suspension, on March 14, of all their actions and procedural deadlines.
Can I return to Spain if my Return Authorization has expired?
Given the current COVID-19 crisis in Spain, is it possible to return to Spain if your return authorization has expired? We’ll explain it to you!
How to check the status of your unemployment benefit? (Online)
If you were affected by an ERTE (Temporary Employment Regulation Expenditure) during the State of Alarm, here you can know more about the step-by-step procedure to easily check the status of your unemployment benefit. Keep reading!
What will happen with judicial and administrative procedures during the State of Alarm?
All administrative and judicial processes are paralyzed as a result of the State of Alarm, caused by COVID-19. So, what to do now? Below, we’ll explain everything you need to know about the newly implemented regulations.
Good accounting practices amid the coronavirus
Conozcan las novedades que pueden incidir en su actividad y las buenas prácticas contables ante el coronavirus, de manera que actúen de forma proactiva para abordar los riesgos e impactos en las distintas áreas contables
Servicio CASIA: The new service created by the TGSS
The authorized RED user will have a new service called CASIA: they will be able to ask questions, communicate incidents and submit requests for certain procedures.
DGT Procedures that you can do from Home
In this article, we will show you all the DGT procedures that you can do from home through their Electronic Headquarters, considering the COVID-19 restrictions.
Layoffs during coronavirus in trial period
Aún queda un colectivo desamparado: los despidos durante coronavirus de trabajadores por no superar el periodo de prueba. Acá te aclaramos su situación.
Insurance Premiums during the State of Alarm
How can the declaration of the State of Alarm affect insurance premiums? Here we explain it to you.
Made me an ERTE: ¿When do I start charging?
Las nuevas medidas del Gobierno en el ámbito laboral por la crisis del coronavirus generan múltiples dudas, entre éstas, como cobrar el ERTE?
State Help for Self-Employed Workers
These are some beneficial measures for the self-employed that have been published in the BOE, we highlight their implications based on the latest announcements.