Officially known in Spanish as: “Solicitud de autorización de residencia temporal y trabajo por cuenta propia”.
Through Form EX07, you can request a temporary residence and work permit as a self-employed foreigner who does not reside in Spain, so that you can carry out a lucrative activity on your own account.

What is Form EX07 for?
Form EX07 is used to apply for a temporary residence and self-employed work visa in the following cases:
- Voluntarily returned foreigners
- Residents outside Spain
- Holders of a permit of stay for studies, research, or internships that ends in such condition.
- Holders of previous residence and work permits, that end in such condition.
- Nationals and their family members under international, multilateral, or bilateral agreements.
- Holders of a job search residence permit.
Who can apply and what are the requirements?
The foreigner must request it personally and also meet the following requirements:
- Not to be a citizen of a European Union State, a European Economic Area State, or Switzerland; or a family member of citizens of these countries to whom the Union citizen regime applies.
- Not to be in Spanish territory illegally.
- Lack of criminal records in Spain and in their previous countries of residence.
- Not to have been banned from entering Spain and not to be listed as rejectable in the territorial space of countries with which Spain has signed an agreement in this regard.
- Not to be within the period of the commitment of not returning to Spain, that the foreigner has assumed when returning voluntarily to their country of origin.
- Fulfill the requirements that the legislation in force demands for the opening and operation of the planned activity.
- Possess the required professional qualification or accredited experience, for the exercise of the professional activity, as well as in its case the collegiate membership when it is required.
- Proof that the planned investment and its impact is enough, if any, in the creation of employment.
- Proof of sufficient financial resources for their sustenance and housing, after deducting those necessary for the support of the activity.
What documentation must be submitted?
These documents must be submitted along with the Application Form EX07:
- A full copy of a valid passport or travel document
- A copy of the document proving that you have the training or professional qualification legally required for the profession.
- A document that proves that you have the means to do an adequate financial investment in your project.
- Evidence that you have sufficient financial resources, such as proof of your housing.
- Finally, it should be noted that due to the type of permit requested, other additional documents may be required.
Where should this documentation be submitted?
The place to submit this application is the Spanish Diplomatic Mission or Consular Office corresponding to the place of residence of the applicant.
Finally, if you want to do any immigration procedure, make sure it has an expert team in the field. At Entre Trámites we invite you to know our immigration services.
We want to listen to you and know what your questions are about the procedures you have to do. You can always rely on the advice of our experts to clarify all your doubts. Contact us!