Officially known in Spanish as: “Solicitud de autorización de residencia temporal y trabajo por cuenta ajena”.
Download the Immigration Form EX03 in PDF format, to apply for a temporary residence and work permit as an employee in Spain.
Watch this tutorial video to learn more about how to fill out Form EX03:

Through this form, a foreigner can request to reside and work temporarily, as an employee, in Spain. The following Form EX03 includes the following types of permits:
- Specific cases of exemption from the national employment situation of art. 40 LO 4/2000(10)
- Occupation difficult to fill according to the SEPE Catalog
- Offer managed by the State Public Employment Service
- Reasons of economic, social, or labor interest, research, development or teaching or artists of special cultural interest (art. 178.2)
- Relative of the owner of a residence and work permit process for activities of special interest (art. 181.1)
- Unaccompanied foreign minor holder of a residence permit (art. 196.5)
- Unaccompanied foreign minor holder of a residence permit upon reaching 18 years of age (art. 197.6)
- Holder of a stay for studies permit, research, or practices that end in such condition (art. 199)
- Holder of a previous residence, or residence and work permit that ends in such condition (arts. 200, 202)
- Nationals affected by Instructions issued by the Council of Ministers (DA 1ª.4)
- Nationals and family members under international, multilateral, or bilateral Conventions/Agreements
- Holder of a job search residence permit (DA 17th Law 14/2013)
What is the purpose of Form EX03?
This application form is used to request a temporary residence and work permit for the hiring of a worker, that is to say, an employee who is neither located nor lives in Spain.
Who can apply for it?
The employer can request it personally or they can also do it through a legal representative.
What documents are necessary besides Form EX03?
Along with the application form, the following documentation must be submitted:
- A complete copy of the valid passport or travel title.
- Copy of the documentation that proves that the worker has the professional training or qualification required to practice the profession.
- Documentation that identifies the company.
- Work contract signed by both parties, original and copy.
- Documentation that accredits that none of the cases of non-consideration of the national employment situation are met.
- Accreditation that the company can ensure the necessary financial means. In cases where the activity is domestic service, the employer must provide the following documents:
- Copy of the NIF or NIE or consent for verification of the employer’s identity data through the Identity and Residence Data Verification System.
- Signed employment contract, both original and copy.
- Documentation proving that the national employment situation is not taken into account.
- Copy of the last Personal Income Tax (IRPF) return or income certification issued by the Tax Administration or any other documentation proving sufficient financial means.
- If it is a legal entity (SA, SL, Cooperative…):
- Copy of the company’s NIF and copy of the deed of incorporation, duly registered in the corresponding Registry.
- Copy of the public document certifying that the signer of the authorization request is the legal representative of the company.
- Copy of the NIF or NIE or consent to check the employer’s identity data through the Identity and Residence Data Verification System.
Where should the application be submitted?
The place to submit this application is the Immigration Office of the province where the services are to be provided. In the case of companies with workplaces in more than one province and more than 500 workers, it must be submitted to the Large Companies Unit (Unidad de Grandes Empresas) of the General Directorate of Immigration.
Finally, if you want to do any immigration procedure, make sure it has an expert team in the field. At Entre Trámites we invite you to know our immigration services.
We want to listen to you and know what your questions are about the procedures you have to do. You can always rely on the advice of our experts to clarify all your doubts. Contact us!