Declaration of the Income Tax Return by phone due to COVID-19

Income Tax return by phone
On April 1st, the 2019 Tax Return campaign began, and COVID-19 has forced the Tax Agency to delay the filing of the income tax return by phone.

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Taxpayers will not be able to request a date and time to file their income tax return by phone, but the operators will call them when it is possible to attend them.

Last April 1st, the 2019 Income Tax Return campaign began, marked by the health crisis unleashed by COVID-19, which also leaves its mark in this area, since it has forced the Tax Agency to delay the filing of income tax returns by telephone.

The dates are maintained for tax returns to be filed telematically (as of April 1) and in Tax Agency offices (as of May 13 with an appointment request from May 5).

There is a relevant change in ‘Le Llamamos’, which is the service through which tax returns can be filed by means of a telephone call.

Instead of starting, as usual, at the beginning of the campaign, it will do so more than a month later. It will not start until May 7, accepting requests for an appointment to file the statement by phone only from the 5th.

“And this year the taxpayer will not ask for the day and time but will request the service and we will call them as soon as possible, with the callback later and the following days if he is not available when we call”, the Tax Agency explains.

As they admit, “these changes for the telephone preparation of statements are due, logically, to the health emergency”.

No effect on the declaration of the Income Tax Return by phone

On the other hand, the situation generated by the virus will not affect the telephone service to solve taxpayer doubts. “It is still operational and is always reinforced during the campaign”, they indicate. In fact, it is being provided normally, including “gradual and partial transitions to teleworking for these operators”.

The ‘Le Llamamos’ telephone service and electronic means account for almost 90% of the declarations provided by the Tax Agency, so the remaining 10% are in person (2.1 million declarations).

“In any case, starting on April 1 online and in the App, taxpayers benefit from being able to receive their tax returns 48 hours after the start of the campaign”, 70% of the returns are to be refunded, and in those that have a result to be paid, the taxpayer begins to pay at the end of the campaign.

On the other hand, “the vast majority of the Tax Agency workers already worked by teleworking. And there are “a whole series of cases of essential services that continue to be carried out in person”, such as customs.

Do you need help with declaring your Income Tax Return by phone?

We want to listen to you and know what your questions are about the procedures you have to carry out. Count on the advice of our experts to clarify all your doubts. 

At Entre Trámites we invite you to know about our services. Fill in our contact form and we will call you to help you as soon as possible, schedule a free online consultation, or simply text our WhatsApp.

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