The best way to fill out the Form 600 in Spain in 2023

In this section you will know what the Form 600 is for in Spain, in addition to the data that must be included in your presentation
In this section you will know what the Form 600 is for in Spain, in addition to the data that must be included in your presentation.

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The Form 600 is a form used in Spain to settle the Tax on Patrimonial Transfers and Documented Legal Acts (ITP and AJD) in certain transactions and documents. This tax applies to the sale of homes, land, used vehicles, among other cases.

When should the Model 600 be used?

The Model 600 is used in a variety of situations, including:

• Purchase and sale of homes, land or commercial premises.

• Donations and free transfers of real estate.

• Inheritances and transmissions mortis causa.

• Cancellation of mortgages.

• Other documented legal acts, such as the establishment of mortgage loans.

It is important to note that, although in some autonomous communities the Model 600 can be replaced by another regional form, in most cases the Model 600 is used at the national level.

How to fill in Form 600

Next, we show you the general steps to fill in the Model 600:

Step 1: Personal data and affidavit

At the top of the form, you must provide your personal data, such as name, surname, NIF (Tax Identification Number), address and contact telephone number. In addition, you must make an affidavit confirming the veracity of the information provided.


Step 2: Identification of the taxable event

In this section, you must identify the type of transaction or documented legal act that you are carrying out, selecting the box corresponding to the specific case. For example, if you are buying and selling a home, you will check the box corresponding to “Onerous Patrimonial Transfers of Real Estate”.

Step 3: Description of the good or right

Here you must detail the description of the good or right that is the object of the transaction. This includes information such as the address of the property, the registration number, the farm number or any other relevant data to correctly identify the property.

Step 4: Data of the transferor and acquirer

In this section, you must provide the data of both the transferor (seller) and the acquirer (buyer). This includes names, surnames, NIF and address of both parties.

Step 5: Value and liquidation of the tax

Here you must indicate the value for which the transaction or documented legal act is carried out. If it is a sale, the value of the transaction will generally be used. Next, you must calculate the amount of tax to pay using the corresponding rates and percentages.

Step 6: Signature and Submission

Finally, you must sign the form and submit it to the settlement office corresponding to your autonomous community along with the required documentation. Be sure to obtain a stamped copy of the Form 600 as proof of filing.

Note: Remember that it is important to comply with tax obligations and submit the form within the established deadlines to avoid sanctions or penalties.

If you have any specific questions or your case is particular, it is always advisable to seek the advice of a tax professional or contact the tax administration of your autonomous community to obtain updated and accurate information.

Finally, to avoid ‘encounters’ with the Tax Agency, you can count on the support of Entre Trámites to advise you on filing tax and tax procedures for the self-employed and SMEs. We have specialists ready to help you.

Contact us, if you are self-employed or SME you can schedule a free consultation, call us or write to our WhatsApp!

Table of Contents

1. When should the Model 600 be used?

2. How to fill in Form 600

3. Step 2: Identification of the taxable event

4. Step 3: Description of the asset or right

5. Step 4: Data of the transferor and acquirer

6. Step 5: Value and liquidation of the tax

7. Step 6: Signature and presentation

Schedule a Free Consultation on the Filing of Form 600

Table of Contents

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