Available procedures
Discover all the procedures available using the electronic DNI 3.0, Digital Certificate, or Cl@ve services (Cl@ve Permanente and Cl@ve PIN).
The procedures are currently only available on Android.

This application allows access to the procedures of the following
Public Administrations
Below you will find the Public Administrations and the procedures that you can access with the new Entre Trámites App. As well as the different ways to access available:
Digital Certificate
Cl@ve Permanente
Cl@ve PIN
- Tax information 2017.
- Tax information 2018.
- Tax information 2019.
- Access to the procedure to prepare the draft income tax return 2019.
- Access to the procedure to prepare the draft income tax return 2019 with reference.
- Generation of the reference to access to the procedure of the draft income tax return 2019.
- Consultation of the Income Return 2019 status.
- Census data.
- Files in course.
- Debts report.
- Consultation of domiciliations.
- Notifications.
- Request of NIF of natural person- without DNI/NIE- without being present of the Form 030.
- Declarations presented form 100 (Personal Income Tax. Annual declaration).
- Declarations presented on Form 130 (Personal Income Tax. Entrepreneurs and professionals in Direct Estimation. Payment in instalments).
- Declarations presented with form 390 (VAT. Annual Summary Declaration).
- Declarations presented with form 303 (VAT. Self-settlement).
- Certificate of status in the census of economic activities of the AEAT.
- Certificate of tax residence.
- Certificate of tax situation.
- Certificate of VAT taxpayer status.
- Certificate of inclusion in the register of intra-community operators.
- Certificate of exemption of withholding to the lessors of real estate.
- Certificate summary of the annual declaration of IRPF ( Tax year 2017 and following years).
- Certificate summary of the annual declaration of IRPF ( Tax year 2016 and previous years).
- Certificate of being up to date with tax obligations.
- Certificate of self-assessments.
- Certificate of the annual VAT declaration.
- Certificate of the corporate tax return.
- Certificate of summary of the annual declaration of 190.
- Contractors and outsourcers certificate.
- Consultation of issued certificates.
- Certificate of inclusion in the register of non-profit entities.
- Certificate of net turnover.
- Certificate of corporate tax exemption.
- Personal information.
- Subjective situations.
- Active services.
- History of services provided.
- Personal data.
- Notifications.
- Procedures.
- Contributions.
- Simulate Retirement.
- Pensions.
- Health care certificate.
- Consultation of beneficiaries.
- Certificate of beneficiaries.
- Certificate of non-pensioner.
- Application for European Health Insurance Card.
- Provisional certificate of European Health Insurance Card.
- Simulate the calculation of Maternity/Paternity.
- Report of Simulation of Retirement.
- Certificate of current payments.
- Consultation of applications submitted by Electronic Register.
- Report of working life.
- Report of current situation.
- Communication of telephone and e-mail.
- Change of address.
- Affiliation document.
- Identification data.
- Contribution basis.
- Report of employment registration on a specific date.
- Limited work life report.
- Negative report of affiliation.
- Negative employer registration report.
- Consultation of calculations of payments for worker.
- Duplicate of resolution/registration/deregistration in special regime for self-employed workers or freelancers.
- RETA contribution data report.
- Report of basis and payments made.
- Report of accreditation of self-employed agricultural activity.
- Evidence of actual days worked (agricultural regime).
- RETM contribution data report.
- Minimum Vital Income Simulator.
- Application for Minimum Vital Income.
- Domiciliation of the payment of Social Security contributions.
- Integrated report of benefits received.
- Obtain appointment for pensions and other benefits (INSS).
- Obtain prior appointment for sea workers (ISM).
- Consultation/Modification of appointments
- Information about benefits.
- Consultation of the company certificate.
- Status certificate.
- Certificate of amounts per period.
- Certificate of annual amounts.
- Certificate of the current benefit.
- Certificate of IRPF.
- Notifications.
- Consultation of contract information of a worker.
- Request for a Prior Appointment.
- Cancellation of Prior Appointment.
- Simulation of your benefit calculation.
- Pre-application for an individual benefit.
- Application for contributory benefits.
- Application for unemployment benefit.
- Application for active inclusion income.
- Application for accumulated and early payment for non-EU foreigners.
- Application for single payment of unemployment benefits.
- Application for supplementary RAI assistance for victims of gender or domestic violence.
- Application for Agricultural Income for temporary agricultural workers in Andalusia and Extremadura.
- Application for Agricultural Subsidy for Temporary Workers of the SEASS.
- Application for the subsidy for Domestic Employees.
- Modification of bank details.
- Cancellation of the benefit.
- Six-monthly extension of the subsidy.
- Consultation of points.
- Payment of pending penalties.
- Electronic road address registration.
- Modification of electronic road address.
- Cancellation of electronic road address.
- Consultation of road electronic address notifications.
- Environmental labels.
- Status of my driving license procedure.
- My DGT.
- My permits.
- My vehicles.
- Vehicle technical data sheet.
- My edicts.
- Payment of fines.
- TESTRA/TEU – Notification of sanctions
- My files.
- My notifications.
- Announcements in the Tablón Edictal Único (TEU).
- My personal data.
- My exchanges between administrations.
- My records.
- Previous appointment for immigration.
- Information on the status of immigration procedures.
- My files.
- My notifications.
- Files.
- Real estate.
- Download certifications.
- Real estate cadastral sketch.
- Real estate cartography.
- Notifications.
- Consultation of Pensioner’s information.
- Report on the last payroll.
- Payroll receipt.
- Receipts of previous payrolls.
- Revaluation 2020.
- Personal income tax withholdings – tax year 2019.
- Certificate of Pensioner of Clases Pasivas.
- Certificate of monthly pensions registered.
- Monthly certificates for previous months.
- Certificate of annual pensions registered.
- Certificate of pensions under discharge.
- Negative certificate.
- Certificate of retirement pensioners for disability/retirement due to uselessness.
- Consultation of the status of the procedure.
- Consultation of postal mailing census status.
- Inclusion in the census of postal mailings.
- Exclusion in the census for postal mailings.
- Consultation of registration in the electoral census.
- Certificate of registration in the electoral census.
- Informative note of registration in the electoral census.
- Consultation of census data.
- Document of census data.
- Census of residents outside of Spain.
- Search for notification announcements.
- Registration in Cl@ve.
- Activation of Cl@ve Permanente.
- Change Cl@ve Permanente Password.
- Forget Cl@ve Permanente Password.
- Modify the telephone number associated to Cl@ve by VideoCall.
- Modify e-mail address.
- Register, quit, and modify data in Cl@ve.
- Obtain a higher level of security in Cl@ve.
- Register in Cl@ve with a certificate or electronic DNI.
- Withdraw and modify data in Cl@ve with a certificate or electronic DNI.
- Regeneration Code for Activation of Cl@ve.
- Verification of the DNIe certificate.
- Request for an appointment for DNI or Passport with electronic DNI.
- Appointment request for DNI or Passport with DNI or NIE information.
- Appointment request for DNI or Passport due to loss or theft.
Government Ministries
- Birth certificate.
- Marriage certificate.
- Certificate of absence of sexual crimes.
- Consultation of absence of criminal records.
- Records.
- Death certificate request.
- Cancellation of criminal records.
- Application for Spanish nationality by residence.
- Telematic consultation of Spanish nationality by residence files.
- A new claim for telephony and internet.
- Check the status of the telephony and internet claims.
- Electronic registration.
- Consultation of university degrees.
- Consultation of non-university degrees.
- Validation of official degrees.
Mutuas and Public Health
- Application for dental services.
- Application for vision services.
- Application for IT, RE and RLN benefits.
- Updating of data.
- Providing DNI of beneficiaries.
- Beneficiary cancellation.
- Ordinary change of health entity.
- Request for reactivation of beneficiary registration.
- Request for medical examination due to a Temporary Incapacity.
- Certificate of affiliation to MUFACE.
- Certificate of coverage for assistance in other countries.
- Certificate of single payment benefits received.
- Application for the provisional replacement certificate of the TSE.
- Certificate of benefits withholdings.
- Prescription book.
- European Health Insurance Card.
- Affiliation card.
- Status of your claims.
- Benefit history.
- Your MUFACE data.
- Affiliation.
- Affiliation of widows and orphans.
- Registration of beneficiaries.
- Cancellation of beneficiaries.
- Cancellation of beneficiaries.
- Change of medical organization.
- Change of holder’s data.
- Claims to the Comisiones Mixtas (Joint Commissions).
- European Health Insurance Card / CPS.
- Special medical treatments.
- Mutualists assigned abroad for a period of more than one hundred and twenty (120) days.
- Refund of pharmacy expenses.
- Complementary benefits: dental, ophthalmologic and others.
- Assistance for psychotherapy and speech therapy treatment.
- Assistance for psychiatric hospitalization.
- Benefit to retirees for permanent disability.
- Severe disability benefit.
- Compensation for non-disabling permanent injuries.
- Allowance for temporary incapacity and for risk during breastfeeding.
- Financial support in cases of multiple births.
- Benefit for disabled dependent child.
- Allowance for birth of a child.
- Assistance for funeral expenses.
- Retirement allowance.
- Social Assistance Fund Support Program.
- Assistance for the elderly.
- Support for disabled persons.
- Support for drug addicts.
- Retirement pensions.
- Widow’s, widower’s and orphan’s pensions.
- Assistance in the event of death.
- Scholarship for studies.
- Request for prescription forms.
- Request for sick leave forms.
- Status of my application Registration of holders, Readmission of Holders, Affiliation of Retirees, Cancellation of Holders, Affiliation of Widow(er) and Orphans.
- Status of my application Readmission of Beneficiary, Cancellation of Beneficiary, Transfer of Province.
- Status of my Benefit application.
- Status of my request Ordinary Change of Medical Provider.
- Status of my application Claim to Comisiones Mixtas (Joint Commissions).
- Status of my application European Health Insurance Card.
- Status of my application Special Fund.
- Prescription book.
- Application for European Health Insurance Card.
- Application for Provisional Substitute Certificate.
- My clinical information.
- My health information.
- My appointment calendar.
- Request a primary care appointment.
- Health card and pharmaceutical contribution.
- Update of contact information.
- eSaude registration forms.
- Calendar.
- Medical history.
- Medication.
- Health care.
- Appointments.
- Health Agenda.
- Procedures.
- Health.
- Personal Data.
City Councils
- Records.
- Employment and labor services.
- Certificate of empadronamiento (to be sent by e-mail).
- Consultation of files and General Registration of entry and exit.
- Individual empadronamiento.
- Empadronamiento for residents.
- Electoral Census.
- Tax address.
- Real estate.
- Vehicles.
- Plusvalías (capital gains).
- Other taxes.
- All taxes.
- Fines.
- Padron (registration) of residents.
- Consultation of the state of your files.
- Registration of entry/exit.
- Follow-up of applications.
- Personal data.
- Individual, family, historical flyer.
- Document mailbox.
- Virtual Tax Office.
- Procedures.
- My procedures.
- My Notifications.
- My files.
- My data.
- My applications.
- My files.
- My notifications mailbox.
- My documents.
- Files.
- Payments to be made.
- Notifications.
- Communications.
- Personal data.
- Files.
- Pending tasks.
- Notifications.
- Communications.
- Personal data.
- Certificate of individual empadronamiento.
- Family empadronamiento certificate.
- Fines.
- Electoral Census.
- Taxes.
- Registry Consultation.
- Files.
- Pending tasks.
- Files.
- Notifications.
- Documents.
- Messages.
- Personal Data.
- Identification data.
- Padron (Registration) of residents.
- Taxes.
- Fines.
- Accident reports.
- Permits.
- My procedures in progress.
- My procedures completed.
- My notifications.
- Procedures.
- My procedures.
- My notifications.
- My files.
- Files.
- Flyer of empadronamiento (individual).
- Flyer of empadronamiento (all residents).
- Certificate of empadronamiento (individual).
- Empadronamiento certificate (all residents).
- Follow-up of procedures.
- Management of receipts.
- Management of fines.
- Fines files.
- Tax units.
- Tax calendar.
- Personal data.
- Alerts.
- Procedures not sent.
- Sent procedures.
- My notification mailbox.
- Receipts.
- Padron (Register) consultation.
- Consultation of personal data.
- Registration entries.
- Certified notifications.
- Files.
- My invoices.
- Consultation of facts.
- Files.
- Flyer of empadronamiento (individual).
- Flyer of empadronamiento (all residents).
- Certificate of empadronamiento (individual).
- Certificate of empadronamiento (all residents).
- Personal data.
- Communications.
- Notifications.
- Notices.
- Subscriptions.
- Procedures.
- Receipts.
- Fines.
- Housing.
- Personal data.
- Receipts.
- Direct debits.
- Self-settlements.
- My settlements.
- Fines.
- Register entries.
- Files.
- Registration data.
- Documents mailbox.
- My instances.
- My files.
- My pending procedures.
- My (padron) registration data.
- My notifications.
- Registration (padron) data.
- Telematic registration.
- My procedures.
- Social benefits.
- Files.
- Real estate.
- Vehicles.
- Economic activities.
- Garbage collection.
- Unified industrial levies.
- Pending fines.
- Payment of fines.
- Contact information for notifications.
- Pending notifications.
- Notifications received.
- Notifications rejected.
- Notifications not removed on time.
- Flyer of Empadronamiento (individual).
- Flyer of Empadronamiento (family).
- Receipts and fines.
- Debt certificates.
- Tax consultation.
- Bank domiciliation.
- Domicile of notification.
- Online management of the Economic Activities Tax (IAE).
- Flyer of registration (padron).
Expect further updates to our application, including more administrative procedures.
If you have any suggestions, please contact us. We are constantly working to meet the needs of our users!
Learn how to access procedures with the different identification methods
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