How to review the notifications in the AEAT with a digital certificate?

We will learn how to view the notifications in the AEAT.
In this section we will explain the procedure you must follow to consult the AEAT notifications and the technical requirements that your mobile phone or computer must meet when carrying out this review using your digital certificate.

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Consulting the electronic notifications in the AEAT is very easy and can be done without the need for technical knowledge. Here at Entre Trámites, we tell you in detail about this process.

What are electronic notifications?

Electronic notifications are those official communications that are processed electronically that are sent from an official entity. These communications produce the same legal effects as a notification made on paper, through the traditional system of certified postal mail.

What entities carry out this type of communication?

Currently, there are several public entities that use electronic notification systems, among which are:

  • Social Security, to deal with situations of working life, registrations and dismissals of workers, processing of benefits, etc.
  • The general direction of traffic. For example, communications related to the processing of fines or sanctions, procedures related to the documentation of motor vehicles, etc.
  • State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT), which are the ones that concern us in this article. Thus, some of the most common electronic notifications are those linked to requirements or other communications carried out in tax assessment, inspection, or collection procedures.
  • Municipalities, Provincial Councils, and other local entities. For example, notifications related to traffic fines from the Local Police, urban violations, and municipal taxes.

How to see notifications from the Tax Agency

When viewing the AEAT notifications, it will not be necessary to have any technical knowledge or use a specific device. However, it is required to have an adequate means such as digital identification and meet the requirements that we will see below:

How can I identify myself to consult the electronic notifications in the AEAT?

According to the regulations that apply to the AEAT, electronic notifications can be consulted through any of the following digital systems:

  • Electronic certificates (such as those issued by the FNMT).
  • DNIe.
  • Cl@ve PIN of the declarant.

Step-by-step procedure

In a very simple way, the procedure to consult the electronic notifications of the Tax Agency is the following:

  • Access the electronic notifications page of the AEAT.
  • Select the “subscribe and consult” option.
  • Go to the notifications mailbox (“enter”).
  • Identify yourself through one of the systems that we have mentioned (electronic certificate, DNIe or Cl@ve PIN).
  • Choose the notification that you are interested in consulting in the corresponding list and access its content. Remember that you can also use the search engine to restrict the query using different filters (by dates, types of notifications, status, etc.).

Advantages of having an electronic notification manager

In the case of companies and organizations that have a large volume of notifications from the AEAT and other administrations, it is highly recommended to have electronic notification management software.

The use of these applications allows among other things:

  • Automatically collect notifications issued by more than 9,000 public bodies.
  • Check your status in real-time.
  • Download and store documents securely in the cloud.
  • Submit writings to the AEAT.

Without a doubt, the online consultation system for electronic notifications from the Tax Agency is very practical and easy to use.

However, in the case of companies with a large volume of communications, it is advisable to have a notification management tool that helps control and review all official communications received.

If you have doubts about this topic, in the following video we explain in detail how to review notifications in the AEAT with a digital certificate.

To avoid ‘encounters’ with the Tax Agency, you can count on the support of Entre Trámites to advise you on all tax issues. We have specialists ready to help you.

Do you need more information about AEAT?

At Entre Trámites we offer various services of management, advice, and support in bureaucratic procedures for self-employed, SMEs, and other types of companies.

Contact us! Through our contact form, you can leave your details for us to call you, schedule a free consultation, or simply text our WhatsApp.

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