This indefinite contract sample is provided in PDF format by the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Social Security.

An indefinite-term contract is one that is signed without establishing time limits for the provision of services, in terms of the duration of the contract. An indefinite-term work contract may be verbal or written and may be entered into on a full-time or part-time basis or for the rendering of discontinuous fixed services.

Indefinite-term contracts may in some cases be beneficiaries of hiring incentives when the requirements of the applicable regulations are met in each case, depending on the characteristics of the company, the employee and, if applicable, the working day.

This contract is ruled by Royal Legislative Decree 2/2015, of October 23, which approves the revised text of the Workers Statute Law.

Contractual modalities that are included in the Indefinite Contract

This type of contract allows the formalization of the following modalities with an indefinite character:

Applicable Legislation

In matters not provided for in its clauses, Royal Legislative Decree 2/2015, of October 23, will be applied, approving the revised text of the Workers Statute Law, and the collective agreement applicable to the company’s labor relations.

The content of this contract should be communicated to the Public Employment Service (SEPE) within 10 days of signing it.

If you want more information about it, you can consult the following content:

Finally, if you need any kind of advice about work contracts or hiring procedures, make sure you rely on an expert team. At Entre Trámites we invite you to check our labor management services for SMEs, self-employed workers, and other types of businesses.

We want to listen to you and know what your questions are about the procedures you have to do. You can always rely on the advice of our specialists to clarify all your doubts. Contact us!