How to register a child in the Social Security in Spain 2023?

How to register a child in the Social Security in Spain 2023
In this post you will learn how to register a child in the Social Security so that they can enjoy the benefits.

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Parents in Spain need to register their children with the Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (National Social Security Institute – INSS) in order to receive Social Security benefits and services. In 2023, the process to register a child in the Social Security in Spain has changed and is now more accessible than ever.

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What is the Social Security?

It is a public social protection system that is responsible for guaranteeing the social protection of citizens, both in terms of medical care and economic benefits. In Spain, it is managed by the Ministerio de Inclusión (Ministry of Inclusion), Social Security and Migration and is financed through social contributions.

How to register a child in the Social Security in Spain?

To register a child in the Social Security in Spain, it is necessary to follow the following steps:

  1. Obtain the child’s birth certificate: this document is issued by the Civil Registry and certifies the child’s birth. It is necessary to present it in order to register the child.
  2. Apply for the inclusion of the child in the Social Security regime: to do this, you must go to the Social Security office corresponding to your place of residence and present the child’s birth certificate and your own documentation.
  3. Register the child in the General Treasury of Social Security: to do this, you will need to complete the corresponding registration form and present the required documents, such as the child’s birth certificate and your own identification document.
  4. Choose the Social Security managing entity: there are several Social Security managing entities in Spain, such as the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) or the Mutuas de Accidentes de Trabajo y Enfermedades Profesionales {Mutual Insurance Companies for Work Accidents and Occupational Illnesses (MATEPSS)}. You must choose the one that best suits your needs.
  5. Make the payment of the corresponding social contributions: if you are an employee, it is likely that your employer is already making the contributions for you. However, if you are self-employed, you will have to make the contributions on your own. The amount of contributions varies depending on the contribution base and the managing entity chosen.
  6. Request the child’s health card: the health card is a personal and non-transferable document that certifies the child’s right to receive medical care in the public health system. To obtain it, you must go to the health centre corresponding to your place of residence and present the child’s birth certificate and your own identity document.
  7. Enjoy Social Security benefits: once you have completed the registration process, the child will have the right to receive medical care and other financial benefits, such as family allowances.

Online registration for Social Security in Spain 2023

In 2023, the INSS updated its online registration system, allowing parents to register their children online. This online system allows parents to register a child in the Social Security in a matter of minutes. Parents can enter their personal information, as well as that of the child, and send their information to the INSS. Finally, the INSS will confirm the registration and the child will have the right to receive benefits and benefits.

Automatic recognition for children under 3 months

For those who have children under 3 months old, the INSS provides for automatic recognition of their rights. This means that once the application is completed, parents do not need to take any further action to receive benefits or services. In cases of adoption, or in cases of children over 3 months old, the INSS will provide a resolution letter, with the child’s name and ID, confirming registration.

Advantages of registering a child in the Social Security

Once the child is registered with Social Security in Spain, they will have the right to receive certain benefits and services. This includes health coverage, access to education and other services such as unemployment benefits and job training. In addition, the child will also have the right to receive Social Security benefits such as the Minimum Essential Income (IMV).

Without a doubt, Social Security is a fundamental system that guarantees the social protection of citizens, including medical care and economic benefits. If you have had a child, it is important that you register them with Social Security to ensure that they are protected and have access to the services they need. Follow the previous steps to register a child in the Social Security in Spain in 2023.

Do you need more information about procedures with Social Security?

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