What are the allowances for employing family members in Spain?

What are the allowances for employing family members in Spain
Here you will find out about the benefits you get for hiring family members in your business based in Spain.

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When hiring for any type of job, there is a tendency to look for the most qualified candidate and pay less attention to intrinsic factors such as family ties. However, in Spain, certain labor laws and regulations have been put in place to encourage the employment of family members.

 These include allowances and incentives, making this type of contracting an attractive option for many entrepreneurs and workers. In this article, we will analyze what benefits exist for employing family members in Spain and how to apply them.

What type of allowances for employing family members exist in Spain?

In recent years, the Spanish Government has implemented a series of allowances and incentives to encourage the hiring of family members. These incentives range from the reduction of taxes and Social Security payments to the reduction of training costs. The most significant benefits are:

Reduction of Social Security contributions:

The Spanish Government offers employers a 100% reduction in Social Security contributions for the permanent hiring of family members for a maximum of one year. This applies to relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity.

Reduction of training expenses:

The Spanish Government also offers employers a 50% reduction in training costs for the long-term hiring of family members for a maximum of three years. This applies to family members over 30 years of age who are registered on the list of job seekers.

Incentive to hire young people:

The Spanish Government offers an annual bonus of 850 euros to employers who hire people up to the age of 25 years old in apprenticeship programs. This applies to those registered on the list of job seekers.

Incentive for contract conversion:

The Spanish Government is offering a bonus similar to the one mentioned above for employers who are willing to convert a temporary contract into a permanent one. In this case, men will receive a bonus of 5,100 euros, while women will receive 5,950 euros. Those over 45 years of age will receive 6,300 euros.

Special incentives for people with special conditions:

The Spanish Government has also launched a series of incentives for employers who hire disabled people. In this case, the employer will receive a 50% reduction in Social Security contributions for an indefinite contract.

How can entrepreneurs and family members benefit?

These incentives can benefit both employers and family members. Employers benefit from the reduced economic burden, as the bonuses and incentives make hiring family members significantly less expensive than hiring unrelated people. Family members, in turn, benefit from bonuses and incentives by being able to find a job with fewer difficulties and greater economic efficiency for their employers.

Hiring family members is a great way to save costs while providing quality employment for a family member. Thanks to legal incentives settled by the Spanish government, hiring family members can be a great option for employers while allowing relatives to benefit from stable work. To request these bonuses and incentives, employers must contact the Spanish Government, which will provide them with more information about these laws and how to apply them.

Do you need more information about procedures related to work in Spain?

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