Registration in Valencia Spain

Are you looking for a way to certify your presence in Valencia, Spain? With the Municipal Census, you can obtain uncertified documents that prove your presence in the city. Here we tell you more about this topic.
Are you looking for a way to certify your presence in Valencia, Spain? With the Municipal Census, you can obtain uncertified documents

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The Empadronamiento in Valencia (Spain) is a fast and efficient way to request your residence status in the country. Below you will find a complete guide that will help you understand everything about this process.


What is the Registration?

Empadronamiento is the process of registering your presence in Valencia, Spain. It is necessary for anyone who wishes to reside in the city and request any type of public service or benefit. Those over 18 who are already registered in the Municipal Register can obtain the following types of registration certificates: individual, couple, family and children.


Which are the requirements?

The requirements that must be met for this type of registration vary depending on the type of certificate requested. In general, people who register need to be of legal age or emancipated minors and have valid identification documents. In addition, it is required to reside in the municipality of Valencia, as well as to be able to prove a “tax domicile” in the country.

How to request it?

To request the Valencia Census, it is necessary to go personally to the City Hall since the process is carried out in person. Once there, you have to fill in the application form and provide the necessary documentation. In addition, it is necessary to make an appointment through the official website, by phone or through an agency such as Entre Trámites. Remember that you can schedule a completely free consultation with one of our specialists on the subject of immigration.

What documents are needed?

The documentation required to obtain the census will vary depending on the type of certificate requested. In general, it is necessary to provide identification documents (ID, passport, residence permit), proof of address (utility bills, rental contract, etc.) and any other supporting document that is required.

What are the benefits of registration?

The main benefit of the census is that it serves as proof of your presence in the city, as well as to verify that you are a resident for tax purposes. In addition, it serves as proof for any public services or benefits that you may need, such as medical services, housing, etc. In addition, it serves to prove your identity in the country and in the City of Valencia.

Registration in Valencia Spain

Registering in Valencia, Spain is an important process that serves as proof of your presence in the city and the country. The process is relatively simple and can be done in person or remotely. To complete the process, you must provide the necessary identification documents, proof of residence, and any supporting documents that are required.

Note: Upon obtaining the census you will have the opportunity to subscribe to public services or benefits in the city.

Finally, to avoid ‘encounters’ with the Tax Agency, you can count on the support of Entre Trámites to advise you on all tax issues. We have specialists ready to help you.

Contact us, if you are self-employed or SME you can schedule a free consultation, call us or write to our WhatsApp!

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