This contract sample in Word Format includes the sections that must be incorporated in the contract for an economically dependent self-employed worker. It is commonly known as a TRADE Contract in Spain, which stands for “Trabajador Autónomo Económicamente Dependiente”.

An economically dependent self-employed is a worker who carries out their economic or professional activity for a company or client from which they receive at least 75% of their income.

This sample has the sections that a TRADE contract must take into account such as identification of the parties, object, and cause of the contract, duration of the contract, vacations and breaks, duration of the working day, terms of rescission, and the agreement of professional interest.

What conditions must a worker meet to be considered an economically dependent self-employed?

The main requirements that the worker must fulfill are the following:

Can the worker be dependent on one or more employers?

No, the law establishes that a dependent self-employed worker must provide their services solely and exclusively to a single company, with which they sign the contract and from which they receive at least 75% of their income.

Applicable legislation

If you want more information about it, you can consult the following content:

Finally, if you need any kind of advice about work contracts or hiring procedures, make sure you rely on an expert team. At Entre Trámites we invite you to check our labor management services for SMEs, self-employed workers, and other types of businesses.

We want to listen to you and know what your questions are about the procedures you have to do. You can always rely on the advice of our specialists to clarify all your doubts. Contact us!