
Create a non-profit organization in Spain

Full Support for your Non-Profit Organization!

With our service you will get:

Creating an Non-Profit Organization in Spain

Hiring Our Service Is...

No more confusion

We eliminate all the tedious paperwork for you and guide you through every step

100% Online Service

You don't even need to leave home to successfully complete the procedures you want

All-Inclusive Prices

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how to create a non-profit organization in Spain?

registering as a non-profit organization in spain

Support to Form your Non-Profit Organization
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What is the process to set it up?

The process of creating an non-profit organization (or “Asociación”) in Spain involves several essential steps:

Requirements and Documentation

Do you want to know more about creating an association in Spain?

our professional services include

We guide you through every step to create a non-profit organization in Spain! From documentation preparation to application submission, we are committed to bringing your vision to life.

Any doubts?

Creation of the Non-Profit Organization

We draft the sample Bylaws that will govern its operation and prepare the Founding Charter.

Official Registration

We manage your registration in the Public Registry of Associations, ensuring that your organization is legally recognized.


We'll help you prepare the required documents, obtain the certificate of corporate name and the digital certificate of natural person.

Additional Procedures

We open its bank account and, if your association will carry out an economic activity, we also register its IAE with the Tax Agency.

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Creation of a Non-Profit Organization in Spain

Processing and Registration
  • Registration in the Registro Público de Asociaciones **.
  • Preparation of the Sample Bylaws and Founding Charter.
  • Request of the Certificate of Corporate Name.
  • Request of the Digital Certificate of natural person.
  • Request of the NIF of the Association.
  • Opening of the association's bank account.
  • IAE registration of the association with the Tax Agency (if an economic activity will be carried out).
  • Online follow-up.
  • Your own personal advisor with unlimited advice.
  • You can hire it now! Just click on the button to go to the payment section.
Frequently Asked Questions


Registration is made in the Registro de Asociaciones Autonómico if the activity is local or regional, and in the Registro Nacional de Asociaciones if the activity affects more than one autonomous community.

The Registry has up to three months to respond to the application for registration. If there is no response within this period, the application is considered accepted. Likewise, the deadline varies depending on the Autonomous Community where the association is incorporated.

Costs may vary according to the Autonomous Community and the scope of the organization but generally include registration fees, professional fees if a lawyer is involved, possible notary fees and other administrative formalities.

Yes, both Spanish and foreign citizens can form and/or create a non-profit organization in Spain.

The requirements for foreigners are similar to those for Spanish citizens and include signing the Founding Charter, approving the bylaws, and submitting the required documentation to the corresponding registry. Foreigners must provide their passport or residence card, and in some cases, they may need a Foreigner Identification Number (NIE).

If you have doubts about the documentation required in your case, please consult with our experts.

A non-profit organization in Spain must comply with the following requirements:

  • Obtaining the NIF at the Tax Agency (Agencia Tributaria).
  • Declaration of Economic Activities (IAE): It is mandatory if the association carries out economic activities. They must register with the IAE and pay the corresponding fee.
  • Value Added Tax (VAT): If they carry out activities subject to VAT (most of them are exempt from this tax), they must register and file periodic declarations.
  • Corporate Income Tax: They may be subject to this tax if they obtain economic benefits.
  • Annual Accounts: Obliged to keep accounting records and file annual accounts with the Registro de Asociaciones.
  • Labor and Social Security obligations: If they have employees, they must comply with labor and Social Security regulations.


According to each case, the documentation to provide is different.

At the moment you hire one of the plans we will analyze your case and contact you to tell you the exact documentation you need to provide.

  1. One of our experts will contact you promptly to start analyzing your case in depth and tell you the best step-by-step process to follow.
  2. You will know what is the necessary documentation to provide and you may also contact us to solve any remaining doubts.
  3. We will apply for the registration of your trademark before the corresponding body and we will inform you of how the process is going, always keeping you up to date with any notification.
  • Payment of fees, apostilles and/or sworn translations, if necessary. However, the Sworn Translation service is provided separately.
  • Notary and Mercantile Registry fees.


The price you see is the final one (to which 21% VAT must be applied).

Payments must be made by debit or credit card.

Yes, you can request cancellation of the service as long as your personal manager has NOT started to manage your documentation to initiate the procedure.

The money will be refunded to your card in less than 14 days. See our Commercial Conditions.

Our Team

You can communicate at any time (as long as it is business hours and about the services you have hired) by email or telephone, whichever is more comfortable for you.

We want to listen to you and know what your doubts are or what you need in relation to our service for registering as a non-profit organization in Spain. You can count on the advice of our experts to clarify all your doubts.

Write to us at [email protected] and we will contact you quickly or simply call us.