How to file Spanish Social Security documentation?

how to file spanish social security documentation
In this section we will show you the correct way to file a document with the Spanish Social Security.

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The Spanish Social Security is responsible for paying pensions, benefits, and other financial aid to millions of Spaniards. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is one of the most active public organizations in the country. To ensure that all applications are processed effectively and that all beneficiaries receive what they are entitled to, it is important to know how to correctly submit documents, applications, and other forms of communication to the Spanish Social Security.

The first step to submitting a letter to the Spanish Social Security is to access the website. This can be done through the “Ciudadanos” (Citizens) section and then selecting the corresponding procedure (for example, family, pensions, incapacity, etc.). It is also possible to make an appointment and present the forms in person at the nearest INSS office.

For those who wish to present documents or communications in their own name or on behalf of others through the electronic registry of the Spanish Social Security, it is possible to do so if you have an electronic certificate or Cl@ve PIN. It is also possible to present documents by sending them through the Spanish Social Security Electronic Headquarters if these conditions are met.

Template form for an application to the INSS

Below is an example of a generic application form that can be used to send to the Spanish Social Security as part of the preparation process for making an application:

Name, NIF/NIE,




Subject to the request,

Body of the request or communication,

Institution to which the request is addressed, Province in which the operation is to be carried out.

Other forms of presentation

In addition to the electronic sending of documents and communications through the Spanish Social Security registry, it is also possible to present documents in person at the corresponding organization if it has an office in the area.

It is also possible to send postal mail with the documents and communication through the official offices of Correos, the Spanish postal service. Finally, although not very reliable, documents can also be sent by e-mail or fax.

Submission through SMS

For those who have already requested documents without an electronic certificate, it is possible to check the status of the application and the additional documentation required by accessing the system without the need for a certificate. To do this, you can use the personal identification number of the request and the tracking code.

In conclusion, for those who need to submit documents, forms, and applications to the Spanish Social Security, it is important to know the different ways in which it is possible to do so. It is possible to submit them through the website, as well as in person, by post, by email or fax, and, in some cases, by SMS. Knowing these tips and knowing how to properly prepare the relevant documents before submitting them can save time and lead to a satisfactory result in the end.

Do you need more information about Spanish Social Security procedures?

At Entre Trámites we offer various services of management, advice, and support in bureaucratic procedures for self-employed, SMEs, and other types of companies. Contact us! Through our contact form, you can leave your details for us to call you, schedule a free consultation, or simply text our WhatsApp.

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