Form 036: How to file it correctly?

Form 036 How to file it correctly
In this section we explain the correct way to file form 036 in case of deregistration. In addition, you will learn about the most frequent errors when filling this form.

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Form 036 is a document that is used to register and deregister an activity. However, this is not the only use of this form, it is also used to modify data in what is called the Census with the Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria de España (AEAT). Here the Tax Agency will have a record of all your details, including:

  • Application for provisional and definitive NIF.
  • Registration and cancellation of activity
  • Fiscal, social and notification address.
  • Representative data.
  • Registration and deregistration under an IAE heading.
  • Registration and deregistration of any VAT or personal income tax regime (IRPF). Registration for monthly VAT refund: during the month of November.
  • Change in the option of calculation form 202: during the month of February.
  • Registration in special Pro-rata: during the month of December prior to the month in which it takes effect.

Where you should submit form 036?

Form 036 can be downloaded from our website to be filled in, printed out and filed on paper with the Tax Agency, either physically or via the Internet. However, the cases are specific for both filing methods:

Regarding the presentation of form 036 on paper, the following requests may be made: 

  • NIF application.
  • Renunciation of the participants of an entity in an income attribution regime to objective simplified direct or special simplified estimation, or agriculture, livestock and fishing regime.

On the other hand, you can submit form 036 online if you are going to carry out any case that is not included in the previous list. It is mandatory if you are a company, to use the digital certificate.

Note: To present this model online you must use the digital certificate or cl@ve PIN if you are self-employed.    

The most frequent errors in form 036

Error when filling in boxes that do not correspond

Form 036 produces many errors when filling out on the web, every time you click on accept and send, an error usually appears in some box. From Entre Trámites we recommend that you look carefully at each box and avoid this error.

An error of not modifying, registering or deregistering obligations

Form 036 is also used to inform the Tax Agency of everything, you must be careful when modifying the information, since you may have serious penalties when committing them.

An example of this is the payment of rent, when you change premises and do not make the modification, you will receive a notification from the Tax Agency with the financial penalty.

Do you need more information about deregistration in the Tax Agency?

At Entre Trámites we offer various services of management, advice, and support in bureaucratic procedures for self-employed, SMEs, and other types of companies.

Contact us! Through our contact form, you can leave your details for us to call you, schedule a free consultation, or simply text our WhatsApp.

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