CIRCE System: Online Company Formation

company formation with CIRCE
The Information Center and Business Creation Network (CIRCE) is an information system that allows you to carry out your Company Formation Completely Online.

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The Information Center and Network for the Creation of Companies (CIRCE) is an information system that makes it possible to carry out on the Internet procedures such as Company Formation, which is establishing and starting up certain commercial companies in Spain.

The types of companies that can be created through CIRCE are:

  • ​Individual Entrepreneur (Self-Employed)
  • Company
    • Limited Liability (LLC)
    • Limitada de Formación Sucesiva (SLFS)
    • Limited New Enterprise(SLNE)
  • Community of goods
  • General partnership

First of all, how does this online company formation work?

The CIRCE System facilitates the creation of your company through agreements and communications with all the organizations and administrations that intervene in the process of establishing companies.

The entrepreneur will only have to complete the Single Electronic Document (DUE) that includes a multitude of forms and the CIRCE will automatically carry out all the necessary procedures to incorporate the company, communicating with all the organizations involved (Tax Agency, Social Security, Mercantile Register, Notary Office, etc.).

To fill in the DUE, the entrepreneur has two alternatives:

  • Go to an Entrepreneur Service Point  (PAE), where you will be advised on everything related to the definition of your business project and will be allowed to start the procedures for setting up your company.
  • Start the procedures by filling out the DUE through the CIRCE website. For this, it is necessary to have a Digital Certificate.

Therefore, its advantages are that:

  • Streamlines the business creation process
  • Reduces the number of trips to different official agencies
  • Facilitates communication between the different competent bodies thus accelerating the process

At CIRCE, all steps will be taken so that the company becomes yours as soon as possible.

At the PAIT (Point of Counseling and Initiation of Processing) they advise and help you fill in the Single Electronic Document (DUE). This contains all the information necessary for the notary to grant the deed and the data required by the different administrations and registries for the incorporation of the company.

After the granting of the company’s deed, the system requests the provisional NIF and sends the Tax Register Declaration to the Tax Agency, makes the payment of the Patrimonial Transfer Tax and Documented Legal Acts, sends the data to the Social Security and requests registration in the Mercantile Register.

If you want to know more information about this process you can access the PAE/CIRCE Website.

Let’s Talk!

In Entre Trámites we offer various services of management, advice and support in bureaucratic processes for state aid, including loans and grants for freelancers, SMEs, and other companies.

Contact us! Through the contact form, you can leave your details for us to call you, schedule a free consultation with us, or text our WhatsApp.

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