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Calculator of Crypto Tax in Spain
Find out how to calculate correctly your taxes on cryptocurrency in Spain and declare these transactions successfully in your Income Tax Return.
Do you need to declare crypto tax in Spain during 2023?
With Entre Trámites you will be able to declare your cryptocurrencies with the correct tax rate, and not worry about extra taxes or fines.
Even if the data you enter is 100% correct, the tax to be paid may not display the exact real amount. This is because there are many individual factors and changes in current regulations that can influence the final result.
Need to declare crypto tax in Spain during 2023?
With Entre Trámites you will be able to declare your cryptocurrencies with the correct tax rate, and not worry about extra taxes or fines.
What should I know about crypto tax in Spain?
It is time for the 2022 Income Tax Return in Spain and, as always, the declaration of cryptocurrencies is one of the most complex issues.
The Tax Agency requires to declare all income and capital losses obtained from any operation with cryptocurrencies, so that the due taxes are reported.
Here we provide you with an overview of the taxes on cryptocurrency in Spain, explaining how to calculate your revenue and the percentage of tax you will have to pay on them.

Keep this in mind...
This way you will know exactly what influences the calculation of your taxes on cryptocurrency in Spain and the Income Tax Return.
Cryptocurrencies in the Income Tax Return:
Buying or keeping cryptocurrencies in our digital wallet does not oblige us to declare them in the income tax return (known as “Declaración de la Renta” in Spain), unless we decide to trade with them and obtain some profit.
Therefore, those holders of cryptocurrencies must take into account that if any type of operation with them takes place, the Agencia Tributaria (Tax Agency) is always going to demand the payment of the corresponding taxes.
For this reason, the Tax Agency recommends keeping all the receipts and other documentation related to any operation carried out with cryptocurrencies.
It is important to bear in mind that:
You should not file the Income Tax Return if your income from operations with cryptocurrencies does not exceed 1,000 euros, but if it exceeds them by only 1 euro you would be obliged to declare them.
Casilla 1626 - Clave 0:
There is a specific box in the Income Tax Return that you must check if you have made transactions with cryptocurrencies throughout the year: Casilla 1626 where you will have to indicate their date and value of acquisition.
Percentage applicable according to your earnings:
In Spain, any type of income generated by cryptocurrencies must be taxed in the savings base in the Declaración de la Renta, with a specific tax rate that, for incomes below €6,000, is at 19%.
Regarding the tax principle of progression, this requires the payment of Personal Income Tax (IRPF) divided into brackets:
If the amount received is in a range between €6,000 and €50,000 taxpayers will be taxed at 21%.
On the other hand, if the amount is between €50,000 and €600,000, this Personal Income Tax will be increased to 24%.
In short, it is necessary to point out that at the time of filing the tax return, taxpayers should pay special attention to the most appropriate tax rate to be applied, taking into account the period over which they wish to tax the income obtained from cryptocurrencies.